Monday 14 May 2018

Unknown facts about rain

We all know how rain happens and we all have read it in our school.But here is some unknown facts about rain,you will be amased to know.

Fish rain

Rainning animals is a rare meterological phenomenon in which flightless animals fall from the sky.Such occurrences have been reported in many countries throughout the history.In Honduran Folklore,it rains tadpoles and small fish.This is a common phenomenon there and a fish festival is also organised in every year in the city of Yoro in the month of May&July.

Rain in other planets

Rainfall happens on other planets of the solar system too; however, it is different from the rain we encounter here on earth. There it might be made out of methane, neon, and sulfuric corrosive or significantly iron rather than water. Rain on Venus is made of Sulfuric acid, and on Saturn’s moon Titan, precipitation is methane rather than water.

A rain that doesn't wet you!

If there is rain in the desert,the chances are that you might not get wet.This rain is called phantom rain as it's hard to know whether it rained or not,as the droplets fade away under the influence of hot air.

Blood rain

Rain with high levels of acid(a low pH) is called acid rain.Caused by the release of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides into the air(often from factories and power stations),it can be harmful to plants and animals

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