Monday 14 May 2018

A must reading book for EVERYONE

Author:Paramhamsa Yogananda(A realized yogi and spiritual master of 20th century)

In this book you will find the life of many yogis and their psychic powers.The Author met many yogis in his whole life time and describes many many wonderful phenomena which are beyond our limited intellect,a completely new world or you can say a world of real magic.Since,the Author himself was a great yogi,he also explains how the pshychic powers of a yogi works and how they develop such a power.For example in this book you will find yogis are flying in the sky,they are forming many many bodies and function different kinds of work at the same time or you can find a yogi is forming a palace in the Himalaya or the incarnation of a many such things.It will be a perfect book for you in this coming monsoon.

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