Thursday 17 May 2018

Imperial Knowledge: Digital Marketing Courses-The Reality

Imperial Knowledge: Digital Marketing Courses-The Reality: Digital Marketing-What is it? When you sell a product,you make your customer to know about your item and so you give ads of your ite...

Daily Motivation

5 qualities of highly successful people

1.They are early riser
2.They develop certain habits like 15 minutes yoga or 3min meditation etc.
3.They work when they work and they play when they play!Strange right!Just think about it!
4.They absolutely don't bother about how people think about them.It is a very silly thing to them.
5.They face many challanges but they have NO PROBLEM!Yes,it is their answer when they face a problem.

Daily Motivation

If you want to achieve your dream,you must wake up
                    -Swami Vivekananda

Wednesday 16 May 2018

Mysteries and Wonders-The Lost City Of Atlantis

The lost city of Atlantis

The very first mention of Atlantis came from Plato in his dialogue Timeaus. He talks of an island which was situated “in front of the Pillars of Hercules”. There has been discussion ever since whether it exists or if Plato just made up the island as a way to prove a point in his dialogue (philosophers tend to do that). To summarize the story of Atlantis, it existed in the 10th millennium, was a world power, it attacked Athens, failed miserably, and then sank in a single day.

Of the places suggested to be the location of Atlantis, the two most probable are the island of Santorini, which was a prosperous Minoan island and sank by huge volcano eruption or Sicily, the people who lived there were called “the sea people” and used to raid Egyptian settlements and how Plato described Atlantis, as pretty similar to Sicily (Athens also once attacked Sicily and failed miserably, maybe Plato made a reversal?) .  Note both of these places are no where near the strait of Gibraltar (AKA. The Pillars of Hercules).


Daily Motivation

Tuesday 15 May 2018

Digital Marketing Courses-The Reality

Digital Marketing-What is it?

When you sell a product,you make your customer to know about your item and so you give ads of your item.You make posters,hoardings and publish on the tv,newspaper etc.But,these are very time consuming and also costly and the main drawbacks is that you can't know how many people actually see your ads.Suppose if you make a hoarding on a high way but, you can't know how many people see your ads or interested about your ads.

So,the solution here is the digital marketing where you publish your ads digitally in a relevant website and here you can see how many people actually interested about your items and wanted to buy them.All the information related to this will be available in your google adwords account.One of the most advantages of adwords is that you can create your ads within 5 minutes and publish it.Only one thing you must do is to set a daily budget as per your choice and google automatically arrange your ads and show them in the relevant websites.SO IT'S EASY.

Digital marketing course-The true facts:Now,lets discuss about the digital marketing courses.As I have already told you guys that it is very easy and you can do it yourselves.SO WHY THE COURSES?Truely speaking guys you need not do any courses on that.Now a days you will find many institutions offer digital marketing courses with a lot of course fee usually $200-$1,500.
Since the course is quite new,they charge big amount from a student going with vacant idea about the course.

But if you wanted to do a course do it freely on google digital garage,only thing you have to do is to make a account in google.That's all!Google also provides a certificate after successful completion of the digital garage

Mysreries and Wonders-The Silent Army

The Terracotta Warriors

The three farmers digging for wells in march 1974 had no idea what they would uncover would become one of the world's greatest wonders and mysteries.Rows upon rows of soldiers,in battle formation,dressed according to their ranks and positions in the army,standing or kneeling,ready for battle.They were burried with their emperor,Qin Shi Huang,also known as The First Emperor Qin,in 210-209BCE.They are vigilant,unique in facial features,uniforms and physical attributes,just as they might have been in real life,not a few but all 8.099 of them!

According to ancient texts and legends,under the Emperor'r tomb,there lies an entire necropolis of cities,oceans,rivers of mercury and even the sky complete with the celestial constellations.But how does one build underground rivers that are flowing for thousands of years?

The answer is mercury and to add to the bafflement of researchers,scientific evidence has proved very high levels of mercury underground.

Source info:True Stories of Mystic Places by Vikas Khatri

Monday 14 May 2018

Unknown facts-A World InsideThe Earth?

The Hollow Earth Conspiracy Theory

               From time immemorial, people have believed that there is another world lying just beneath the surface of our planet. To a number of cultures—the ancient Greeks for one—it is a dark place filled with the souls of the dead. But most of these early beliefs were metaphorical or mythological in origin.

Modern science holds that that the Earth is an unbroken series of layers, crusts, and liquid magma surrounding a dense, hot core made primarily of iron and nickel. But not everyone is convinced. In the 17th century, some of the leading scientific minds of the time came up with a new theory—that the planet is actually hollow. This idea has proved incredibly durable.
Even today, there is a small cadre of Hollow Earth believers who are fighting valiantly to validate their ideas through books, websites, meetings and some extremely ambitious travel plans.
“My conception of the Hollow Earth, based on my research is that the shell of the Earth is about 800 miles thick, from the outside to the inner surface,” says Rodney Cluff, author of World Top Secret: Our Earth IS Hollow.He further says, “The other part of the Hollow Earth theory is that near the North and South pole are substantial openings that lead into the interior.”
Hollow Earth theory sounds like science fiction, and is often presented as such, but some of history’s greatest scientists have subscribed to it. At one point, it seemed downright logical.

Daily Motivaton

Daily Motivation

Unknown facts about rain

We all know how rain happens and we all have read it in our school.But here is some unknown facts about rain,you will be amased to know.

Fish rain

Rainning animals is a rare meterological phenomenon in which flightless animals fall from the sky.Such occurrences have been reported in many countries throughout the history.In Honduran Folklore,it rains tadpoles and small fish.This is a common phenomenon there and a fish festival is also organised in every year in the city of Yoro in the month of May&July.

Rain in other planets

Rainfall happens on other planets of the solar system too; however, it is different from the rain we encounter here on earth. There it might be made out of methane, neon, and sulfuric corrosive or significantly iron rather than water. Rain on Venus is made of Sulfuric acid, and on Saturn’s moon Titan, precipitation is methane rather than water.

A rain that doesn't wet you!

If there is rain in the desert,the chances are that you might not get wet.This rain is called phantom rain as it's hard to know whether it rained or not,as the droplets fade away under the influence of hot air.

Blood rain

Rain with high levels of acid(a low pH) is called acid rain.Caused by the release of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides into the air(often from factories and power stations),it can be harmful to plants and animals

A must reading book for EVERYONE

Author:Paramhamsa Yogananda(A realized yogi and spiritual master of 20th century)

In this book you will find the life of many yogis and their psychic powers.The Author met many yogis in his whole life time and describes many many wonderful phenomena which are beyond our limited intellect,a completely new world or you can say a world of real magic.Since,the Author himself was a great yogi,he also explains how the pshychic powers of a yogi works and how they develop such a power.For example in this book you will find yogis are flying in the sky,they are forming many many bodies and function different kinds of work at the same time or you can find a yogi is forming a palace in the Himalaya or the incarnation of a many such things.It will be a perfect book for you in this coming monsoon.